Blue Knights® International - Members and Motorcycle Safety
The sport of motorcycle riding is rewarding and fun. This hobby, leisure activity, fraternal sport, or even job requirement is the primary bond that brings this law enforcement organization together. However, all members inherit a certain level of risk when riding on only two wheels. Dangers conditions are created from the inattention of other drivers, environment or external factors, and sometimes from the lack of experience and training by riders themselves. This page will serve as a starting point for many tips and tricks, informational articles, and links to various outside resources to promote rider safety and accident prevention.
Brothers and sisters.
Safety comes to us in many ways, not just in riding with safety. In our beloved Texas heat, our safety can be affected by other factors besides things on the road. A special thanks to Jeff Tippit from Texas VII for the original idea for this article.
Heat illnesses can affect us all, so be aware of the signs and symptoms of the three most common heat illnesses. Heat cramps. They are exactly what they say, cramps, usually affecting legs, arms and our trunk. Heat exhaustion. Signs include heavy sweating, cold pale and clammy skin, fast and weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, muscle cramps, tired or weakness, dizziness, headache and fainting. Heatstroke. Heatstroke is the most severe and requires immediate attention. Signs include headache, confusion, NO sweating, rapid heart rate, nausea or vomiting and you may lose consciousness. THIS IS A TRUE EMERGENCY!
First aid steps are as follows. Move to a cooler environment, preferably one with adequate air conditioning. Loosen and remove unnecessary clothing to assist cooling. Apply cool, wet cloths to the head and neck area. Offer water to drink, but only sips at a time for heat cramps and heat exhaustion. DO NOT OFFER WATER TO THOSE SUSPECTED OF HEATSTROKE!
Prevention is the best medicine. Plan your trips with short breaks on the way. Before and during the trip, drink plenty of water or alternate with drinks with electrolytes. Ride with others when possible and when not possible, let others know your trip itinerary and then check in after the ride. Ride with pride but be smart about it in our Texas heat!
JRod, Safety Officer RGC
Skill and strategy work together to make a safer rider.
It seems there are some motorcycle myths that remain no matter the attention paid to them or the amount of rider education that dispels these myths.
7 Motorcycle MYTHS that Die Hard
In just 30 days you can greatly improve your motorcycle skills and it just takes a few minutes and a few days a week for 30 days.
Transform Your Motorcycle Skills in 30 Days
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation website is full of course information and free to download safety tips. The MSF is an internationally recognized not-for-profit foundation, supported by motorcycle manufacturers, that provides leadership to the motorcycle safety community through its expertise, tools, and partnerships. A large number of our members are MSF instructors.